Grant Funding Available for
Underfloor Insulation

Save money on your energy bills by insulating the underfloor of your home. To find out if you might be eligible for funding from the Government, enter your postcode and details, and we will check your eligibility and get back to you with a free report!

Reduced energy bills

Stop the cold getting in

Keep your home warm

Save money on running costs

Increase the value of your home

Underfloor Insulation in Scotland

Underfloor insulation

What are the benefits of Underfloor Insulation?

There are many benefits of insulating your home. You might not think about insulating under the floors, but it’s a proven way of reducing your energy bills and stop heat escaping by around 15%

Here are the main benefits to insulating the underfloors of your home:

Increased energy efficiency

Insulating the underside of your floor can help to reduce heat loss through the floor, meaning that you'll need less energy to heat your home. This can result in lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions.

Improved comfort

Insulating your floor can also help to maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, meaning that your home will be more comfortable all year round. You'll also notice fewer cold spots and drafts, especially in rooms with hard flooring.

Reduced noise pollution

Underfloor insulation can help to reduce noise pollution from outside and between floors, which can be especially beneficial if you live in a noisy area or have noisy neighbors.

Moisture control

Insulating your floor can help to control moisture and dampness, which can help to prevent mold growth and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

Increased property value

A well-insulated home can be more attractive to buyers, as they'll know that they'll be able to enjoy lower energy bills and greater comfort.

What is Underfloor Insulation?

Underfloor insulation is the process of adding insulation to the underside of the floorboards in a home or building. This type of insulation is typically used in homes with suspended timber floors, where there is a gap between the floorboards and the ground below.

It can be installed in a variety of ways, including using rigid insulation boards, flexible insulation batts, or spray foam insulation. The insulation material is placed between the floor joists and secured in place with clips or netting.
Underfloor insulation

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Underfloor insulation
Underfloor insulation helps to reduce heat loss through the floor, keeping your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It can also help to reduce noise pollution, control moisture and dampness, and improve indoor air quality. Additionally, underfloor insulation can help to reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint, making it an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for improving the energy efficiency of your home.

Want to know more about Underfloor Insulation?

Underfloor insulation can provide a range of benefits, from cost savings to increased comfort and environmental protection. If you’re considering underfloor insulation, it’s important to work with a professional insulation contractor to ensure that the job is done to a high standard and that you achieve the best possible results. To find out how Lenlay Energy Consultants can help you to insulate your home and enjoy the benefits, get in touch with us today.
An uninsulated home can potentially have a negative impact on your health in several ways. A lack of insulation can lead to damp and mold growth, especially in areas with high humidity or moisture. Mold can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health issues. Poor insulation can allow outdoor pollutants and allergens to enter your home, which can affect your indoor air quality and exacerbate respiratory problems such as asthma. Additionally, an uninsulated home can lead to colder indoor temperatures, which can increase the risk of cold-related illnesses such as hypothermia, frostbite, and respiratory infections.
Your home should be properly insulated to protect your health and well-being. Insulation helps to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, reduce moisture and dampness, and improve indoor air quality, all of which can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health. Insulation also helps to reduce your energy bills meaning you’ll be saving money on the running costs of your home for years to come.
Underfloor insulation should not affect the appearance of your property, as it is installed beneath the floor and not visible from the outside.
Scotland Map

Underfloor Insulation Across Scotland

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How many bedrooms are in your home?
Does a member of your household claim any of the following benefits? (select all that apply)*
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