Grant Funding Available for
Cavity Wall Insulation

If your home was built after the 1920’s, you may be eligible for cavity wall insulation. Cavity wall insulation could cut your energy usage significantly. To find out if you might be eligible for funding for cavity wall insulation, enter your postcode and details, and we will check your eligibility and get back to you with a free report!

Heat loss reduction

Reduced carbon emissions

Improved EPC rating

Significant savings on energy bills

Keep your home warmer

Cavity Wall Insulation in Scotland

Cavity wall insulation

What is a Cavity Wall?

If your home was built after the 1920’s, your property may have a cavity wall.

Cavity wall insulation involves filling the gap between the inner and outer walls of a property with insulation material. Cavity walls have one internal wall, and one outer wall, with an air gap (cavity) in between. Properties were built with cavity walls so that moisture that travelled through the external brick could drain away, but modern day technology means that we can now insulate walls without compromising the purpose of the cavity.

The benefits of Cavity Wall Insulation:

Reduced heat loss

Cavity wall insulation can help to reduce heat loss from the property by up to 35%. This means that the property will be warmer in winter and cooler in summer, which can lead to increased comfort and lower heating bills.

Energy savings

By reducing heat loss, cavity wall insulation can help to reduce the amount of energy required to heat the property. This can result in lower energy bills and savings on household energy costs.

Improved energy efficiency

Cavity wall insulation can help to improve the overall energy efficiency of the property, which can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and help to protect the environment.

Noise reduction

Cavity wall insulation can also help to reduce noise levels within the property by absorbing sound and reducing the transmission of sound waves.

Increased property value

Cavity wall insulation is a cost-effective home improvement that can increase the value of the property. It is an attractive feature for potential buyers and can contribute to a more energy-efficient and comfortable living environment.

Improved health

By improving the energy efficiency and comfort of the property, cavity wall insulation can also contribute to improved health and well-being. A warmer, more comfortable living environment can help to reduce the risk of health problems associated with cold and damp conditions, such as respiratory illnesses and arthritis.

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What is Cavity Wall Insulation?

Cavity wall insulation is a process of filling the gap or cavity between the inner and outer walls of a property with insulation material. This cavity is typically found in properties built after the 1930s and is usually around 50mm to 100mm wide.

The insulation material is typically made from mineral wool, polystyrene beads, or foam. The insulation material is blown into the cavity through small holes drilled into the outer wall, which are then sealed once the insulation has been installed.

The purpose of cavity wall insulation is to reduce heat loss from the property, which can help to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating bills. By filling the cavity with insulation material, the insulation helps to trap heat inside the property, preventing it from escaping through the walls.
Cavity wall insulation

Want to know more about Cavity Wall Insulation?

If your property was built after the 1920’s and has unfilled cavity walls, then cavity wall insulation can be an effective way to reduce heat loss and save on energy bills. It is estimated that cavity wall insulation can reduce heat loss by up to 35%!

However, if your property has solid walls or is already insulated, then cavity wall insulation may not be necessary. Solid walls can be insulated with external or internal insulation, while existing insulation can be topped up or replaced with newer materials.

To determine whether or not you need cavity wall insulation, get in touch with us today and one of our friendly energy consultants will be happy to help!
We might be able to help ease the cost of insulating your home with funding towards free cavity wall insulation. To find out if you might be eligible, get in touch with us today and one of our friendly energy consultants will be happy to help.
Before installing cavity wall insulation, an installer will prepare the property by sealing any gaps or cracks in the walls and ensuring that the walls are dry and free from debris. The installer will then drill small holes into the outer wall of the property, typically around 22mm in diameter, at regular intervals, usually at 1m intervals. Once the holes are drilled, a special machine is used to blow the insulation material into the cavity until the cavity is completely filled, ensuring that it is evenly distributed. Once the insulation has been installed, the installer will seal the holes with mortar or plastic plugs, leaving a tidy and discreet finish.
The installation process for cavity wall insulation can vary depending on the size of your property and the complexity of the installation. However, most installations can be completed in a day or two.
Scotland Map

Cavity Wall Insulation Across Scotland

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